~a glimpse of life...a bit of this...a bit of that~

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sophia's Birthday~

Sophia turned 6 on May 24th...it was a fun day!

Birthday girl...Sweet Sophia Rose~
But I was still pregnant, overdue by 5 days at the time, and knew that I was limited in what we could do that day.  I still wanted her birthday to be fun and enjoyable, though...so we headed to the grist mill...with a loaf of bread, a net, and a bucket.

We enjoyed feeding the geese and seeing the goslings...they had grown so much in the 2 weeks since we had been there :)  

We made our way to the tadpole pond for some tadpole catching...which was fun, but not very fruitful.  Usually the girls are able to catch some of those wiggly critters, but that day they were sneaky and quick and hid really well.  The pond is full of bullfrog tadpoles...they are big.  Finally I was able to catch this one...he's a little guy compared to some of the others.  And Sophia, who loves to catch and look at them, was finally brave enough to actually hold one...a pretty big deal for my non-bug-or-anything-slimy girl :)

The Tadpole Hunter~

On the hunt~
Brave girl~

We did see a lot of frogs.  Usually we get to hear the frogs and see their splash as they escape into the pond, but rarely do we get to actually see as many as we did today.  We saw one that was huge...the girls could barely believe how big he was!  And Bella actually caught a frog...the first time she's ever done that...it was exciting :)

Kiss me, Bella~

Frog Prince?

Shortly after this picture, the frog managed to hop out and escape into the pond~
 Then we headed to the creek.  The girls always love to splash and play in the water...plus they needed to clean off their feet and legs from tadpole/frog hunting in the mud and the muck.  As always, it was a fun time~


Splish, splash~
Later that afternoon, we ran a couple of errands.  One was to pick out Sophia's birthday cake.  We'll be enjoying birthday cake again when my parents are here later in the week, so I let Sophia pick out a smaller cake for us to enjoy on her day.  I know, slacker mom, but thankfully she thought it was fun to pick out her own cake :) 

That night we enjoyed dinner out at Ruby's Diner...Sophia's choice...and then presents, cake, and ice cream when we got home.  

Birthday dinner~

Cake and presents~

Make a wish!  Happy 6th Birthday!
It was a great day!  And later that night, my water broke~


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