~a glimpse of life...a bit of this...a bit of that~

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

God's Everlasting Love Filled a Humble Manger~

"I have loved you with an everlasting love;  therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."  

Jerermiah 31: 3

God has really been using this verse to speak to me recently.  First, it showed up in my devotional by Spurgeon last week.  I couldn't get it out of my mind...God's everlasting love.  He has loved me and you with an everlasting love.  Then, when the girls and I were out over the weekend, I saw it on a plaque.  God's continued faithfulness.

I love it when God kindly chooses to remind me of His truth...of His love...of His continued faithfulness.

I have especially loved reflecting on this verse as we are full in the Christmas season and the day itself is nearly upon us.

What does God's everlasting love look like? 

It looks like a young girl who believed God even though she probably had to endure a blow to her reputation.  A virgin pregnancy?  It sounds absurd.  It looks like her betrothed husband who cared for her even though it meant risking his reputation as well.

This is not the story of a highly anticipated royal birth...of adoring fans waiting for the blessed news.

This display of God's everlasting love is a very different kind of story. 

This is the story of Jesus, who chose to step from glory and confine himself to the womb of a young woman.  This is the story of that young couple who traveled to Bethlehem to take part in the required government census.  This couple who arrived in town and could find no suitable place to stay...I've always wondered how Joseph and Mary felt as they realized labor was beginning and the baby would be born in a stable. 

This is the story of God's everlasting love.  This is the story of a sweet babe who was born to die...of Jesus, who is the King of Kings.

God's everlasting love filled a humble manger.

God's everlasting love sent His son to earth as Redeemer and Savior.  God's everlasting love made a way, the way, to be reconciled with God.

God's love is everlasting...may you know His love and truth this blessed Christmas~
