~a glimpse of life...a bit of this...a bit of that~

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blessed...By a Washing Machine?

When I married Steve he already had a good washer and dryer...bonus for us because we were just weeks away from moving into our new house. A man with his own washer and dryer...a wonderful thing!

That washer and dryer moved to Colorado with us and then moved to PA with us too. They were a powerhouse pair (Kenmore, I believe) and they worked great...but they were electric. Our house in PA has a gas hook-up for the dryer, so we knew we would be needing a new dryer. We negotiated with the sellers to leave their washer and dryer with the house. Their appliances were newer, so we thought we were making a good deal. On moving day, it so happened that one of the movers needed a washer and so we simply gave him our older (but workhorse) set since we had newer ones waiting for us at the house. It felt good to bless someone else with something we no longer needed.

Well, we soon learned that the newer appliances were very basic, bottom end appliances, but they were working fine, so no worries. I did miss our other ones at times, but for the most part, it was no big deal...plus we were going to have to change to a gas dryer anyway, so no use moaning for something that I wouldn't have been able to use anyway.

That washing machine worked for 2 years...and then it died. Steve was able to figure out the problem, but the parts to repair it were expensive and it just wasn't worth it. Being in school means we have no extra money...definitely not the kind of money you need for a new (worthwhile) washing machine. We didn't panic and didn't really worry about it either. For about a month I lugged our laundry to my friend's house or did loads at the laundromat...not very convenient, but it was working. We checked into renting a machine and just about the time we were ready to have a machine delivered we got a call from my same friend who had graciously been sharing her machine with me. Her husband's co-worker's neighbor (did you follow that?) had a washing machine sitting outside with a FREE sign on it. For some reason the co-worker called our friends to see if he knew of anyone who needed a washing machine. Steve was working late that evening, so my friend's husband drove over, picked up the machine, and dropped it off at my house! WOW!

Steve installed it the next day and the laundry piles began getting smaller! Now, it did not take long to realize that this was another bottom-end machine, but beggars can't be choosers and I was choosing thankfulness:) We've had this machine for about a year and it's done pretty well. Sometimes it decides not to spin and Steve and I have wrung out sheets over the garden because the machine was being difficult and acting up...and then it's fine again. But because it does act up from time to time, there are some things that I don't even try to wash in it anymore.

Like comforters. So when Sophia had a puke fest a few weeks ago, I knew we were headed to the laundromat. Thankfully, the machine was willing to wash all her sheets and even a light quilt that night, but I knew better than to even try her comforter. So we headed to the laundromat.

The girls actually enjoy going to the laundromat...crazy, I know! They have fun with the baskets and I usually let them get an ice cream at the McDonald's across the street. It's not a bad deal.

I wanted to share this story, because to me, it's a strange and wonderful example of how God does care about the details. I want to be careful, because I don't believe that an indication of God's blessings is by how many material things you have. Obviously, we should be thankful for all the blessings in our life, material and otherwise. But we must also be careful not to measure out Lord's love by prosperity; the Prosperity Gospel is a dangerous thing. To be honest, I saw the broken washing machine as an irritation and an inconvenience, but not really as something to even pray about. I'm not sure if that's completely okay, but it just wasn't a big deal to us and in the bigger picture (orphaned children, homelessness, poverty, hunger) it just didn't seem like a very important thing to be concerned about. I was simply amazed at how God provided for us anyway...it grew my faith.

There are so many ways that God has cared for my family. He has especially been revealing Himself to us and changing us since He's had Steve in graduate school. I hope to share more stories of the kindness and care of our Lord...

...but in the meantime, enjoy these pictures of the girls from our latest visit to the laundromat.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What a week!

What a wonderful and wacky week we've had! What a fun week of school:)

On Friday, Sophia had an appointment at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). She was referred to an ENT specialist simply because she has very large tonsils and they needed to evaluate if anything needed to be done. The good news is that she is fine and her tonsils do not need to come out...it's always good when surgery is not required. Our short, little experience at CHOP was actually very pleasant. And they validated our parking ticket so it only cost $3 to park in the city for the entire day...major bonus!

So we went across the street (literally) to see Steve. Steve's chemistry building is right across the street from CHOP. We got to have lunch together...a rare treat. We also completely splurged and took the girls to a place called Naked Chocolate...doesn't the name say it all! We let them each pick out one treat...it took them a long time to pick because everything looked so wonderful! Steve and I split a peanut butter cupcake...it was AMAZING!

Then the girls and I took the subway across the city to the National Constitution Center. It was the 223rd anniversary of the signing of the Constitution and they celebrated with a free day. They had lots of activities...it was great! The building is so beautiful and the exhibits are very well done. We enjoyed a live narration of a movie-in-the-round which was a great history/civics review of all the girls and I have been studying with school. It was well done. The girls loved wandering around the museum...I love this kind of learning. A gentleman with the NCC even took some photos of them dressed up as judges at one of the Supreme Court exhibits...maybe they'll be used for a brochure or something...they were mighty cute! We participated in a Bill of Rights "gameshow" and B even got up on stage to read one of the questions to the audience...I was so proud of her...she did great! One of our favorite parts of the museum was Signer's Hall...filled with statues of the signer's of the Constitution. S even recognized Benjamin Franklin...I think it's pretty neato that she's learning big stuff too.

We took the subway back to the other side of the city and then hung out on campus while waiting for Steve to finish up his day. The girls LOVE the courtyard behind Steve's building simply because there are lots of squirrels and for whatever reason, they love to chase squirrels. I have no idea why :) Those poor squirrels...we were there for over an hour and the girls ran around almost the whole time...they both fell asleep easily that night!

It was a GREAT day!

On Saturday, we headed over to the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge for the Cradle of Birding Festival. We have been there a couple of times and have really enjoyed it. I figured the festival would be fun and that I might even be able to count it as a school field trip. It was so much more than I ever expected!

We were there for 5 hours and still didn't see everything! They had all sorts of tables and booths set up...all sorts of organizations were represented. We visited table after table and kept gathering more and more info. The girls did all sorts of things...identified animal skulls, used microscopes, learned about feathers...the list goes on and on. We also enjoyed Philly Zoo animal seminars where the handlers brought some of the zoo animals to show and talk about. The got to hold lots of exotic birds and see birds of prey up close. We went on a kid's butterfly and bird walk with some experienced birders...they brought their scopes and set them up for the kids...it was so fun! They finished an "information treasure hunt" and won a puzzle. The PA Game Commission had a booth that let the kids help build a bluebird house and they got to bring it home too. One of the highlights was an artisan woodworker. He made such beautiful things out of wood. He showed both girls how to chisel and so they each brought home their own carved piece of wood. They drew the design and he helped them carve...B was able to do most of it on her own. They are really neat!

It was another GREAT day!

Enjoy the pics~

Sunday, September 12, 2010

3 Students, 1 Teacher

We started our "official" homeschool year a couple of weeks ago. B is now a 3rd grader and S is a Kindergartner...and Steve is beginning his 5th year of grad school. This is the first (and hopefully the only :) year that Steve will be in school at the same time as both our daughters! Life is interesting with 3 students to care for. I want a really good teacher gift at the end of the year :)

This is the first year I have to report to the state on B's progress as a student, so our year will look a bit different than in the past. I find it is necessary for me to be more organized, which is really good. I had to submit legal paperwork to my local school district declaring our intent to homeschool along with our objectives for the year. I have to keep a portfolio of samples of her work and progress during the year and submit it to our school superintendent at the end of the school year. B also has to undergo state testing near the end of the year and we have to hire an evaluator who will assess B's progress. PA has some of the most stringent homeschool laws in the U.S., but I am also thankful for the accountability.

S is simply delighted to officially be in Kindergarten this year! She is especially excited because she can officially participate in our homeschool co-op...she's no longer in with the Preschoolers. I am her teacher this month at our co-op and she thinks it's pretty special to be the teacher's daughter...I'm just thankful she likes me that much!

I am also thankful that we live in a country that allows parents to make the school choice they feel is best for the child and/or family. Homeschooling has been a good choice for us so far. Only God knows His plans for our homeschool years. We are open to changing how we educate our children if called to change, but also hopeful to homeschool many more years.


Monday, September 6, 2010

Sharp Dressed Man~

Clean shirt, new shoes,
we don't know where we're goin' to.
Gray suit, red tie.
Been working hard, but it's time to fly.
They come running just as fast as they can,
Cuz every pharma's crazy 'bout my sharp dressed man!

Steve has his first job interview tomorrow at Penn. I am SO excited!!! As you know, he's been working on his PhD in chemistry for 4 years now. He'll be done next year, but fall recruitment is here...interview season is finally here...yippee! That was me you heard shouting for joy from the rooftop!

His interview tomorrow is with Novartis, a pharma company based in Boston. If you think of it, we (he) sure would love your prayers...his interview is at 1:30.

We went suit shopping this weekend...and we hit a great sale...bonus! I don't get to see Steve dressed up very often and the last suit he bought was more than 12 years ago, so it was time for a little updating.

And here today, (almost) Dr. Gonzales is sporting a Tommy Hilfiger paired with a red power tie by Ponti which handsomely accents his oxblood Bostonians. His is looking HOT and HIREABLE!

When Sophia saw him today, she thought he was so handsome that she said I should marry him!

I love you, Steve...you're going to do great!

Have a great day~

A few more pics of my Hottie!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

An Amusing Day!

Hello! Hope this finds you enjoying your day!

Let me first say THANKS to my dear hubby who let me take his laptop out to Starbucks to enjoy some time alone and write. Wow...I feel so cool...sipping tea, blogging, using his very nice computer...thanks honey...don't worry, I have a lid on my tea and, for extra protection, it's on the floor, far away from your sweet laptop:)

We had the wonderful opportunity to go to Knoebels last week. What is Knoebels? Glad you asked!

It's an amusement park here in PA. It was so fun! It's an older park in the mountains of PA, about a 2.5 hour drive from our place. We started out early and got there late morning. The park does not have an entrance fee; you just pay per ride. The girls both got the almost-unlimited-everything-you-want-to-ride daily pass...they had saved their birthday $$ specifically for this trip. Steve and I just bought some ticket booklets and we were set for FUN! One thing to note is that this was our girl's first trip to an amusement park :)

The first ride was the Roto Jet...a rocket ride...the one where the rider gets to control how high off the ground they go. Steve joined S for her first few rides...she was a little unsure at first. But B never hesitated! It was so fun to watch them...big smiles, small sweet hands waving at me...I was glad their first experience on this ride was better than mine...

...my parents took me to Disneyland when I was young. I don't remember how old I was...actually I don't remember anything about that trip except for my time on the Dumbo ride. I remember being traumatized by Dumbo. All started out well at first; the ride began, around in circles I went, excited to be flying with Dumbo. Then I pulled on the lever and up we went, Dumbo and I were having so much fun; flying through the sky, enjoying the excitement of going round and round! But then Dumbo would NOT come down...and I panicked! I remember trying to get him to come down and realizing I didn't know how. I began crying and trying to get help from my parents each time I went around. They were probably trying to tell me what to do, but I couldn't hear them. I actually remember being afraid that I would never be able to get back down again. And then my turn was over and Dumbo, who was no longer my friend, finally returned to the ground. And that's what I remember about Disneyland.

The really funny thing here is that Steve's experience on the Dumbo ride was only a bit better than mine. He rode with some bully kid who wouldn't let him come down. Every time Steve tried to change Dumbo's height, this kid would jam the lever and make them stay up.

Well, the good thing is that we both survived and our girls had a great time on the rockets!

I was beyond impressed with B...she was fearless and had a blast. S was also pretty brave, but she often held back and watched the ride first and made sure her sister survived...then she would go. B's favorite was the little roller coaster and S really liked the swings. I love the log ride...and Knoebels has a great one. Steve's favorite was the Skloosh...the log ride on steroids...we all got soaked! We didn't make it onto the wooden roller coasters...this time.

We also enjoyed some really good treats...funnel cake...cotton candy...yummy!

It was a great day and so fun to watch our girls have so much fun! Here are some pictures from our day~
