~a glimpse of life...a bit of this...a bit of that~

Friday, July 29, 2011

Hopping the Border~

Hello friends...hope this finds you enjoying your day :)

The girls and I got a little adventurous earlier this week and, in search of some fun, decided to do something wild and crazy...we crossed the border.

Yep, we packed up the car and all the things we thought we might need and drove all the way to...

...Delaware :) 

Okay, maybe it wasn't that big of an adventure...the state line is only 20 minutes from our house...but we had big fun nevertheless :)

Our destination was the...

...and we sure did enjoy ourselves.

The museum is small, but very nice.  We practically had the place to ourselves too.  I love it when you can actually take time to read and learn and enjoy the exhibits without being mobbed or overwhelmed by crowds.  When we arrived, the girls received a "scavenger hunt" picture list of things to look for in the museum.  It was a great idea...they were determined to find everything on their page...and they did!  Near the end of our visit, we saw one of the curators dusting the dinosaur bones.  She was in the exhibit, wearing gloves, and delicately dusting with a paint brush.  The girls asked her what she was doing and she really took time with them to explain her job...it was pretty cool.  I could see the wheels in Bella's head turning...museum curator may have been added to her list of possible jobs :)

Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure...

"The Drooling Pig"


They have a neato egg exhibit~

I loved the museum too!

Big dinosaur bones~

The cutest eaglet I've ever seen :)

This is what Sophia would look like if she were a turtle :)

Bella, the entomologist, caught this Monarch Butterfly...and released it.

Looks like the leopard wants to eat Sophia...he must know she is sweet!

Giving the Dung Beetle a hand...I mean, a foot :)

Pretty girl~

Oh, one more thing. This museum's mollusk collection is rated one of the top 10 in the country...it is pretty cool and I am pretty close to being a mollusk expert after touring that part of the museum :)

Here are some pictures from the mollusk exhibit...

This display is in the floor...way cool!

Giant Clam~


Heart shaped shells~

Have a great day...visit a museum~


Thursday, July 28, 2011

In His Hands~

Last week I shared that I have been feeling wearyI also recently shared that God has been close...pulling us in and loving on us, as one friend put it.  God has really been using our friends and family to minister to us in this tough time...I am so thankful for how He uses others.  But He has also been personally present...I want to share a bit about how God spoke to me last week.

Last week was particularly tough.  If anyone asked how I was doing, I burst into tears...it felt like everything was unraveling and falling apart.  I cried out to God and sometimes I just cried.  

I was upstairs with Gracia last Thursday afternoon.  I had just fed her and changed her diaper and she was doing her usual thing where she cutes me out and melts my heart.  I laid down on the bed and simply enjoyed being with her.  She was smiling and happy, making funny noises and "talking".  While I was lying on my back, I lifted her above me and made her "fly"...I could almost see her angel wings ;)  Sometimes I swooshed her quickly...up and down or side to side.  She just looked at me...taking in the new sensations.  But she was not scared; no crying, not even a frowny face or concerned look.  I made a note of how sweetly she fit into my hands and how secure she was in my grip...and God spoke.  

You would never drop her.  You would never let her go.  She is in your grip.  She is safe.  She is secure.  She's not scared because she only knows to trust you.  

I have you, Rachel.  You are secure in my hands.  You are in my grip.  You are safe.  I will never let you go.  Trust me, Rachel.

I was stunned by how simple and clear His message was.  Gracia continued to fly above me as His truth washed over me.  

Later that night, we met with our small group.  It was a smaller group than usual so we decided to focus on prayer and shared prayer requests.  I was still pretty emotional about all that was going on with us...I am thankful for friends we can be so honest with.  One friend's encouragement particularly struck me.  He said, "I see you holding your baby so tenderly, so safely.  God is holding you the same way."  (Okay, it's probably not the exact quote, but you get the idea.)  Once again, I was struck by how God was speaking to me through my friend...he didn't know about God using the same example earlier that day.  I felt God drawing me nearer...I felt His peace growing, my fear shrinking.

The next morning I was greeted by this reminder...from a friend's Facebook status of all places.  "I could no more forget them in their hour of need than a mother could forget her suckling child..."  This is from Isaiah 49:15-16 which reads, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?  Though she may forget, I will not forget you!  See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands."  Wow, Lord...thank you!

I definitely felt like God was very purposeful in reminding me of His care.  I am so thankful for His patience with me and His promises.  I am amazed at how He continually reaches out to me and draws me to Him...I am amazed by His love.

May you know His presence~

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Waiting and Growing~

First, I just want to say Thank You to those who have listened or read and encouraged me with comments or conversation...God is using you to speak to me...I am so very thankful.

Our situation has not changed, but I am generally feeling more calm about everything.  God is close.

I want to record how God has met me...I want to remember what this time was like and how God worked...I want to meditate on His faithfulness.  

The rest of this post may seem random or like tid-bits here and there...but God is not random and He has lovingly reminded me of His care.

"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.  I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds."   Psalm 77: 11-12

I have been reflecting on times in my life when God has been there...in big and little ways.  I mean, He is always there, but I've been remembering times when it was extra apparent that God was behind the care and provision that we received.

Like with our car...you can read about that here.

Like when our home in Colorado had competing offers and sold in 2 days...at a time when the housing market was in a slump and the average time on market was over 90 days.

Like when I was in labor with Gracia.
There are so, so, so many examples of God's grace on our lives...it has been so, so, so good to remember and reflect.

I have also been more purposeful in expressing thankfulness to God.  Focusing on gratitude is so good for what ails you.   

"Your way was through the sea, your path through the great waters; yet your footprints were unseen.  You led your people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron."  Psalm 77: 19-20

I am thankful for some dear friends who reminded me of this.  I hope you recognize that this passage refers to the Israelites' exodus from Egypt and their journey through the Red Sea.  The Israelites had escaped from Egypt and were traveling through the desert.  Pharaoh was in hot pursuit and they were trapped between him and the Red Sea...death and destruction was just a matter of time in their eyes.  They panicked and complained, they were scared and could not see any way out.  Moses says, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today.  For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.  The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."  Ex. 14:13-15  And soon after that God parted the Red Sea and they walked through it.  "And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left."  Exodus 14: 22   I can barely imagine what that would have been like...to be so scared, to be so sure of death...and then to walk on a dry path through the sea...a path whose walls were made of the sea you were walking through.  

I don't pretend to think that our situation is on the same level as the Israelites, but I've had many moments of despair concerning our life circumstances right now.  I've panicked and
complained, been frustrated and scared.  I have looked around and questioned God's ways.  I feel like we're between a rock and a hard place...neither are comfortable.  But my Lord is reminding me that He can do anything...He can move mountains and part seas. 

"For the king trusts in the Lord, and through the steadfast love of the Most High he shall not be moved."  Psalm 21: 7   

This passage was sent to me by a wise friend.  She pointed out that the king trusts, but it is
the Lord's love that keeps the king from being moved...the king's trust is not what holds him steady, it is the Lord.  Oh, how this spoke to me!  I can be tempted to try to muster up enough faith and trust to get through things...I can decide to dig in and be strong, to work hard at being a worthy recipient of God's grace.  And I know this isn't possible...I know there is no earning my way with God.  I know that my Lord is the steady and strong One...any faith I have is a gift from Him.

We met with our community group last week.  Due to different circumstances, the group was smaller than usual, so we focused on simply sharing what's been going on in our lives in more detail than we sometimes get to and then we prayed together.  What a wonderful time of fellowship and prayer.  I am so thankful for that night and for friends who we can really share life with.  I am thankful for their encouragement and so very thankful for their prayers.  It was also so good to pray for others.  I have been so focused on our tough situation that prayer for others had taken a back seat...it was good for me to lift others up, to think of more than just our circumstances.  God has blessed us with such wonderful friends!

There is more I want to share, but that's all for now...thanks for reading~

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Cut Above~

Someone got a really cute haircut a few days ago.

Someone is super cute with shorter hair :)

Sophia's cute new do~
Someone donated 11 inches of their beautiful hair to Locks of Love.

Someone is very happy with their new shorter hairdo.

Someone can easily brush their hair all by themselves now...and that makes another someone in this family really happy ;)

Someone was very patient while mommy made them twirl and twirl and twirl for photographs before the big cut...but I had to get pictures...you understand :)

Sophia, you're beautiful...with long and short hair~
I love you...love, Mommy~ 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Tonight, I am weary.

Steve has received official word that the company in Wilmington that he interviewed with last month has decided not to hire him.  We've known for a week now...the feedback that Steve's advisor at school received was that Steve was "too laid back" for their company...but the official letter is still disappointing.  It may only be written on paper, but it feels like a hammer blow. 

This weariness has been slowly building...over the course of months as Steve has looked for a job.  His industry has been crushed by this economic downturn...pharmaceutical research may never look the same in this country again.  

I'll admit it...I am worried.  I feel like my faith has been stretched to a point where it may snap.  And then I'm troubled by feeling like this...I don't want a faith that is determined by circumstances.  I don't want a faith that is strong when life runs smoothly, but crumbles when life is hard.  I want to trust my Savior, I want to follow Him well.

I also want some stability.  We have been living "in limbo" for so long...I just want to know what we're doing, if we're moving, where we're going.  It's not about money...I am so over "living a lifestyle" and accumulating things, but we do need some kind of a job.  

I know what I believe about my God and Savior.  I know He is trustworthy and faithful.  I know He has a plan for Steve and our family.  I can look back in my life and recall His love and care and I don't believe that He has forgotten us.

But I am feeling a disconnect between what my head knows to be true and what my heart feels right now.  Is this a lack of faith...I don't know.  I only know that I might as well be honest with God...I can't hide anything from Him.  He knows my thoughts already anyway.

He also knows how all this is going to turn out...and I believe His ways are good and best...even when it doesn't make sense to me.  

I guess that's all for now...we sure would appreciate your prayers~

"When trials come no longer fear
For in the pain our God draws near
To fire a faith worth more than gold
And there His faithfulness is told

Within the night I know Your peace
The breath of God brings strength to me
And new each morning mercy flows
As treasures of the darkness grow

I turn to Wisdom not my own
For every battle You have known
My confidence will rest in You
Your love endures Your ways are good

When I am weary with the cost
I see the triumph of the cross
So in it’s shadow I shall run
Till You complete the work begun

One day all things will be made new
I’ll see the hope You called me to
And in your kingdom paved with gold
I’ll praise your faithfulness of old"
Keith and Kristyn Getty

God bless~


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up~

We had another great weekend...I could really get used to Steve not working on Saturdays again.  For most of the past 4 years (since he's been doing lab work at school), Steve has had to work at least half-days on Saturdays.  Now that his chemistry is mostly done and he's in thesis writing mode, he's not going in on Saturdays (as much)...weekends have been very nice...lots of family time.

We kicked off our weekend at a nice outdoor concert at the Community Arts Center near our home.  It was a latin jazz group...good music, picnic dinner, perfect weather...very nice :)  This place is so very cool...it's a huge old manor house now converted to the arts center.  The building is beautiful and it has this really neato old water tower in the back.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel...

Sweet sisters~

On Saturday, we packed another picnic and headed to Valley Forge.  We were just there for July 4th, but they were having another day of history and events that we wanted to see.  We had a wonderful day...learning, relaxing, exploring.    

We spent some of our morning at the Muhlenburg encampment.  The old cabins are still there...they are so interesting.  Re-enactors were there too.  They are the ones to talk to if you get a chance...they are very knowledgeable and pretty serious about accuracy and getting the historic details just right.  

Valley Forge encampment cabins~
Inside one of the cabins...sometimes 12 men bunked in here~

Soldier girls?

Ready, aim, FIRE~

This guy will be at the Bull Run re-enactment next weekend.  15,000 re-enactors for the 150th anniversary of Bull Run...it will be quite a show~

This guy was a surgeon for the Continental Army...a gruesome occupation...but fascinating to talk to.  I'm so very thankful we live in medically advanced times :)  The girls asked lots of questions and he patiently answered them all.

The surgeon and his tools~

Hmmm...the bone saw is my favorite...yikes!
A definite highlight of our visit today was watching the Fifes and Drums of York Town.  This was their first visit to Valley Forge and they put on a good show...and they are all kids...I was quite impressed!  

The Fifes and Drums of York Town~

These kids were wonderful!

Our next stop was The National Memorial Arch.  This huge arch (modeled after the Triumphal Arch in Rome) was built to honor General George Washington and the Continental Army.  It is really quite beautiful.  We enjoyed our picnic under one of the huge oak trees near the arch.  The girls had fun exploring all around.  We learned from one of the info posts that there are two rooms in the top of the arch, but no info on how to get to them...oooh, a mystery...the girls were determined to figure it out.  Steve and I got quite a kick out of watching them search for the "secret door"...they tried pushing against the blocks in the arch, searching the pathway for a trapdoor, and even thought maybe there was a tunnel from a nearby old cabin that led to the arch.  The mystery remains unsolved. 

The National Memorial Arch~


I simply LOVE this picture of Steve and Gracia~

I love Valley Forge!
We drove around the park just a bit (the place is huge) before we headed home...and came across this covered bridge...very cool~

Covered bridge in Valley Forge National Park~
Valley Forge is a fabulous place to visit...we love it there :)

Sunday was another great day in our great weekend!  Isabella spent last week at Choir Camp and all the kids sang during worship on Sunday...they were great!  Bella, thanks for doing Choir Camp...I loved watching you up there singing for Jesus :)  Here's a pic of the Kids Choir~

Loved worshiping with the Kids Choir!

Kids Choir~

And we topped off our wonderful weekend by hanging out with some of our friends who are getting ready to head down to the D.C. area for Pastor's College.  We will miss you, K Family, but we are so excited about where God is leading you!  Love and prayers follow you on your adventure :)

Thankful for the friendship God has grown~
And there you have it...our weekend wrap-up.  Hope you had a great weekend too~

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Nature Lovers~

We sure did enjoy our Sunday outing to Ridley Creek State Park.  We walked a bit and then the girls cooled off in the creek...they had big fun!  

Enjoy the pics~

Ready to cool off!

Sweet sisters~
Playing in the "rapids"~
This is FUN!

Riding the "rapids"~
 I love it here...so nice and relaxing :)


Steve noticed this turtle in one of the puddles on the rock we were on.  I think it's a baby snapper.

Baby Snapper?
Have a great day~