~a glimpse of life...a bit of this...a bit of that~

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Snapshots of Life~

I thought I'd do a post about the things we've been up to lately...a May/June wrap-up, you could say.  Yep, I've already blogged about a bunch of our activities (some of these are repeats), but I thought I'd give this a try...because I can use photos to tell the story and capture the memories...and because my sleep-deprived brain doesn't seem to be able to put too many coherent thoughts together. 

We hosted our last Community Group in our home.  The picture quality is poor, but the fellowship was sweet.

Our home, filled with dear friends and sweet fellowship~
Mother's Day had an extra special feel as we waited for the arrival of our newest blessing.

Me and my three girlies, Mother's Day 2011~
The girls and I went on a field trip with our home school co-op to Camp Sankanac.

Enjoying a rowboat ride at Camp Sankanac~
We visited Linvilla Orchards...a couple of times...we always have fun there!
Raspberry picking at Linvilla~
We grew sugar crystals...science and candy...hard to go wrong from a kids point of view :)

A fabulous science project...sugar crystals!
We watched our itty, bitty tadpoles turn into teeny, tiny frogs.  These tadpoles were from a friend who got them from a pool cover, I think.  They were so little compared to the bullfrog tadpoles we see at the pond at Newlin Grist Mill.

A new frog in Bella's hand~
 Speaking of the grist mill...we visited it...a few times.  

Getting ready to tour the old mill~
We added another daughter to our family...we love you, baby Gracia :)

Little sister really do ROCK!
Steve and the big girls put together this pirate ship.

Ahoy, Matey~
We visited Tyler Arboretum when Gracia was just 3 days old...at the time, this seemed like a big accomplishment!

Tyler Arboretum~
We made it to a Memorial Day BBQ with our girls and brand-new babe...we sure enjoyed hanging out with our friends :)

Good fellowship, good food...Memorial Day 2011~
We thoroughly enjoyed Bella's ballet recital...she was wonderful...so beautiful and graceful!

Beautiful ballerina~
We also enjoyed a visit from my parents and brother...love you! :)

Family visit~
And we checked out an art festival in town. 

Downtown Media~
I did a happy dance when this arrived at my house...no more lugging laundry to the laundromat!  My girls will miss their "laundry day sundaes" from McDonalds, though...I used to let them get an ice cream on laundry days.

So thankful for this washing machine!
We celebrated May birthdays and ate yummy cake :)

Happy Birthday Sophia and Dad~
I enjoyed watching the girls play in the sprinkler...many times.

Sprinkler fun~
The girls painted these cardboard creepy crawlies.

Colorful creepy crawlies~
And they had fun hopping all over the yard~ 

Hopping, hopping, hopping~
We are still enjoying the M & M's my very cool brother sent the big girls...thanks, Chris :)

The girls discovered Bendaroos...they had fun!  Sophia made this "vase and flowers" all by herself...good job, Sophia, nicely done and very pretty :)

Sophia's Bendaroo art~
We went to a going away party for our friends who are heading to the mission field in El Salvador...we'll miss you, Gilbert Family

Bella and her friend (who's heading to El Salvador with his family)~
We were blessed to live next door to them when we first moved to PA~
Our sitter, Jaclyn, graduated from high school...we are very proud of you, Jaclyn, and we sure enjoyed your graduation party!

Jaclyn and all the girlies!
We celebrated Father's Day and made cake pops.

Awesome daddy and delicious cake pops!  Father's Day 2011
We are enjoying the Around the World culture program at our library.  Here are the girls after we "visited" Germany...someone at the library did their hair in German braids.

My beauties!
Bella noticed that some birds did not like sharing the feeder, so she devised this solution using a frisbee, string, and a bungie cord...very creative.  She is such a problem solver...good job, Bella.

The extra dining section of the bird restaurant~
Steve and I celebrated our 13th anniversary.  We enjoyed dinner out at a fancy restaurant.  Gracia joined us and barely made a peep the entire time we were there...she liked eating by candlelight too :)

Time for dessert~
Steve had a very important job interview for a position in Wilmington, DE...which is only 20 miles away from our house.  We are very hopeful...stay tuned~

Dressed to impress~
Bella got a haircut...just a trim.  She's decided that she wants to grow her hair long again.

And she also officially finished 3rd grade!  Here's the portfolio I turned in to the school district this week.

3rd Grade Portfolio~
I think that about covers it~

Hope you are having a great summer so far~

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Chemistry Time~

As most of you know, Steve is an organic chemist...very close to getting his PhD in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania.  He's really into molecules and stuff like that...me, not so much.  So, when Bella's "grow your own crystals" kit didn't grow a crystal that was quite as cool as the picture on the box, Steve stepped in with a very good plan...let's just grow our own sugar crystals...chemistry and candy...bonus!

First, Steve and the girls cooked up a solution of sugar water.

Then, the girls added food coloring and the jars of "syrup" went on the shelf...we let them grow for about 6 (maybe 7) weeks.

Tonight, we took the crystals out...so cool!   They got some really good crystal samples out of this little project.  The girls oohed and aahed and it was fun to watch Steve too.  Sometimes he has to grow crystals in the lab and getting good specimens is always great...he was very excited about how well these crystals grew...too bad the ones he grows aren't as yummy as these!

I loved photographing them and the girls enjoyed nibbling them...rock candy, anyone?

Science and candy...a great combo!

Enjoy a treat~

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tiny Details~

I am so in love with this sweet, four week old babe~

I am so in love with this sweet babe and her tiny fingers...

...and her tiny toes...

...and her pretty eyelashes and cute little nose...

...and even the spit bubbles that she blows~

I am so in love with this sweet babe~

Oh Gracia, we love you so~

Love, Mommy