~a glimpse of life...a bit of this...a bit of that~

Monday, September 29, 2014

Getting Back To It~

I've missed writing, recording, documenting...I didn't mean to neglect my blog...and my thoughts...and just generally recording life.  Looking back, I think I just got a bit overwhelmed with our move to Texas and then got into the habit of not writing as much...and there are a few other things I've been focusing my time and energy on as well. 

And let's face it...life is busy...but I'm tired of that excuse...because, that's all it is...an excuse.  Everyone's busy to some extent.
Well, I've decided to pursue more writing and blogging again.  Especially in light of this interesting article about writers.

I've been thinking about busyness a lot lately as I read this book, Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung.  I'm also reading a couple books on prayer that dovetail nicely with the themes in this book.  

As I've been reflecting on the pattern of busyness in my life, I've become convinced that not having enough time is not as big a problem as how I manage the time I do have.  It's back to that simple, but true, example of an empty jar and various rocks, gravel, and sand that represents a day and the things we must and want to accomplish.  This great visual requires the bigger, more important, "rocks" to be put in before the rest can be filled with gravel and sand.  If the little stuff goes in first, there will not be enough room for the more important things.  It's such an easy concept...but can be hard to put into practice.

I was also struck by the simplicity and power of a truth I found in D. A. Carson's book, A Call To Spiritual Reformation...one of the books on prayer I mentioned earlier.  Are you ready for it?  

Much praying is not done because we do not plan to pray.

There it is...so very, very, very simple...yet so very, very, very true!  And as I read more about this truth in his book, I was struck by how true it is for anything that I consider important.

Much Bible study is not done because we do not plan to study.
Much serving of others is not done because we do not plan to serve.
Much exercising is not done because we do not plan to exercise.
Much writing is not done because we do not plan to write. 
Much reading is not done because we do not plan to read.
Much playing with our kids is not done because we do not plan to play.
Much relationship building is not done because we do not plan to pursue friendships.
Much healthy eating is not done because we do not plan to eat healthy.
Much pursuit of dreams is not done because we do not plan to pursue.

What is important to me?  How do I want to be spending my time?  What absolutely requires my attention?  What areas of interest do I want to find more time for?  Who do I want to be spending my time with?  

These are the types of questions I've been thinking a lot about lately.  I rarely (maybe never) feel like I have all the time I want, so obviously I must prioritize. 

As a home schooler, lots of my time is spent planning, preparing, teaching, tutoring, and grading.  Grading...let me just interject that I'm only grading for 2 students and I find it tedious, time consuming, and loathsome...my teacher friends have even more of my respect for the stacks of student papers and tests they keep up with.  Anyway, school takes up tremendous amounts of my time.  Teaching our kids at home is something Steve and I feel led to do by our Lord and, while it can be hard, we love it and don't foresee a change at this time...although there are days that I find myself open to boarding school ;)

Caring for my family and our home requires a lot of my time and energy.  We all know it's not easy...I have yet to meet any wife or mom who is able to spend time on the couch eating bonbons.  I've also come to the point where I just have to be okay with some things not being as orderly as I like...plus I'm blessed with 3 kids, one of whom is an energetic, feisty 3 year old...need I say more?

But these are things that most of us can relate to...work, school, family, home.  

Where is God in all this?  Do I just "fit Him in" where I can?  Is that how I want my relationship with my Lord to be...just "fitting Him in"?  What does God think of my other areas of interest? How do I find time for very important things? 

For me, He's in my blessing to be a wife and mom and in my call to home school...He surrounds those things and all the other aspects of my life.  As a Christian, I believe my Lord is with me in all these areas.  Yet, I am acutely aware that I want more...more and deeper prayer, more time spent in His word, deeper relationship with Him.

I want more of my God.

I thank God for this desire for more...I know it's from Him...because left to myself, I'd just fritter away the time I do have.

And what about the other things on my list?  More writing, more time for friends, more art projects, more exercising?  God is helping me "make a plan".  He is showing me where I do have time, where I can save time by organizing, and where to "create" time.  And to be honest, I'm simply choosing to be more purposeful with the "spare moments" I do have.  

He's also showing me some things that might not get as much attention as I'd like...some areas of interest where some sacrificing needs to take place.  I want to be doing what He wants me to be doing and I believe that He will continue to lead me and reveal things to me as I spend time with Him.  I believe He has a plan and a purpose and I want to be where He intends.

"For I know that plans I have for you, declares the Lord..." Jeremiah 29:11  

I imagine you've heard this verse before.  It's a great verse and it is true, but it's often quoted with an encouraging emphasis on the latter part of the verse, which states "...plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."  But I've been considering the beginning of the verse...God does know the plans He has for me.  He has purposeful plans.

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them."  Ephesians 2: 10

More promise of God's intentional and purposeful plans...I'm thankful for this truth from God's Word.  

Now, before you think I've got it all figured out and I'm ready to write the next bestseller about time management, just know that I don't...far from it...don't ask me how long it's been since I mopped (or vacuumed, for that matter)...floors are NOT my favorite!  

Getting up earlier (than I'd like) is one area where I've been able to "create" time...my alarm goes off at 5:30 and I'm usually up before 6...c'mon, you hit the snooze button too :)  The earlier mornings are still hard for me (I've never been a "morning person" and I may never be ...hence my obsession with coffee!).  But, by the grace of God, I do see progress.  

I also see wisdom in not over planning...in not packing my days so full that if even one unexpected thing pops up, then something else has to go...because my sad default has been to spend less time with my Lord when that happens.  Kevin DeYoung calls it planning with margin...with room for the unexpected.  I'll admit, it's a bit hard for me to 'plan with margin' because it somewhat feels like I'm not planning all my time well...but it still helpful to me as it causes me to consider again what is important, what MUST be included, and what can be pushed back.  So, the goal is not necessarily to accomplish more, it's to be mindful of the truly important and purposeful with the time I do have...and the strange thing is that I am actually "accomplishing" more as I get better at caring for my time.

And I still totally enjoy down time...as a matter of fact, I think I enjoy it more than I used to.

Here's to getting back to the basics, here's to a plan, here's to more of the truly important~

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