~a glimpse of life...a bit of this...a bit of that~

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Looking to Jesus

I wrote this essay last year and sent it to one of our pastors and it was published on our church blog.  God continues to remind me of who He is, so I thought I'd share.

Steve is still in school and we still don't have a definite end date.  He is still looking for a job in an industry that has been hit very hard by this economic downturn.  Just yesterday he received word about another job that won't be offered to him.  We are living "in limbo"...it is uncomfortable and sometimes unnerving.  Will we be moving?  How much should we do to get the house ready to possibly put on the market?  Maybe we won't have to move at all?  

We may not know what the future holds, but we do know who holds our future.

Looking to Jesus 

"...looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."     Hebrews 12: 12

I am so thankful for all the wonderful truths and promises our Lord has for us in His word.  Recently, He has been using this promise in Hebrews to calm my heart and set my focus on Him.

You see, my husband is a full-time graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania.  We moved here from Colorado in 2006 specifically for this school opportunity.  Steve is now in his 5th and final year of school.  I stay at home with our two daughters and home school them too.  I am also pregnant with another sweet babe due in May.  Graduate school has been harder than we ever imagined, yet God has also grown us more than we ever could have imagined.  We are amazed and thankful for His care and grace.

Steve has started the process of looking for a job, to begin when he is done with school.  Job hunting is, to say the least, a test in managing hope, expectations, and anxiety.  We eagerly anticipated fall recruitment, hopeful for a job for Steve.  There were less companies who came to Penn for fall recruitment last year, but the interviews Steve did have went well and he was even invited up to Boston for a second round of interviews with one company.  We experienced such a mixed bag of emotions to learn that Steve did not get that job...thankful for an answer, disappointed that it wasn't an offer, and thankful to not be moving (to Boston, at least).

As we processed the news, our Lord continued to remind me of who He is and where He is.  He visually used the image of Himself seated at the right hand of the throne of God to minister to me.  My Lord is not alarmed or surprised; He is seated.  He is not confused; He is seated.  He is not calling his head angels into council to discuss Steve's job search; He is seated.  He is not whispering up to God and questioning the search so far;  He is seated.  He is calm and tranquil, not in the least bit shaken or surprised; He is seated.  He has reminded me that He has a plan; He is seated.  He has reminded me of all He has done so far; all while He was, and is, seated.  

This image of Jesus has calmed my heart so much.  As He calls me to look to Him as the founder and perfecter of my faith, my focus shifts from our circumstances to our Lord.  All situations that seem unsure to us are known by Him.  All life events; past, present, and future are known by Him.  We can rest in this truth; our Lord is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Have a blessed day~

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